Week 6 Project A

As a group we collaborated on furthering our conceptualisation for Project B through our collaborative google doc, while also personally honing in on different parts of the project that needed consideration. I was able to ideate and conduct further research on our potential use of audio.

“The act of hearing is inextricably linked to the act of imagining. It is almost impossible to hear a sound without instinctively seeking the source of the sound – where the sound is coming from, who or what has produced that sound.” – Christine McCombe

The direction we would like to go for the project focuses on the idea of quiet, abstract, minimal audio. The idea of quinescence, and how it demonstrates a sense of stillness and how it can represent the essence of destructive leisure. Overall we are looking to record sounds of mundane acts within their structured environment. Eg typing on a keyboard, waiting for a train, muffled background or low level noise, and also using materials in that built environment like recording through fabric. With post processing we can create repetition to further reinforce the destructive sense of leisure, as the process is so repetitive it really loses all meaning.


 (00:01 – 00:50)

We are also looking at the cut and paste method of audio.

  • Juxtaposition of sounds of movement against static stillness
  • how the audio actually correlates with movement.


Another example of taking found sounds is this audio installation INSTRINSIC. The work by Angie Atmadjaja explores the acoustic phenomena. Gathered sound waves are filtered and she creates an experience where sound is perceptually tangible that resonates with the surrounding space, highlighting the idea of creating audio which captures the essence of environment and space.

Further exploring the idea of quinescence, how can we value silence when we live in such a noisy world. With so much noise pollution living in urban areas this actually puts stress on the body and can diminish quality of life, where it has been monitored through sleeping patterns (Rolston 2013).

Today, though, more sophisticated brain activity monitoring can detect consequences beyond diminished quality of life. A city’s soundscape appears to be setting off the body’s acute stress responses that raise blood pressure and heart rate, mobilizing a state of hyperarousal.” (Rolston 2013)


The above example covers similar concepts of consent, privacy and desolation.

  • Eery audio that evokes the sense that we are fundamentally alone, our actions are our own responsibility. Except the technological sounds animates the idea that we are being watched – a take on voyuerism.
  • Suggests the impending perpetualism of time and how time plays a big factor in how we define our destructive leisure.
  • Something that is representative of time except really steers away from the cringe clock tick tock sound


view the presentation slides



McCombe, C.M, 2001. Imagining Space through Sound. University of Edinburgh, [Online]. Available at: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/295/1/Mccombe_imagining.PDF [Accessed 19 April 2017].

Baillat. (2015). ELEKTRA 16 | POST-AUDIO | MAIN VIDEO. [Online Video]. 11 May 2015. Available from: https://vimeo.com/127527954. [Accessed: 19 April 2017].

Angie Atmadjaja. (2010). Intrinsic|10.DeanClough. [Online Video]. 10 April 2010. Available from: https://vimeo.com/11368012. [Accessed: 19 April 2017].

Dorian Rolston. 2013. Night Noise: What a Sleeping Brain Hears. [ONLINE] Available at: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/mind-guest-blog/night-noise-what-a-sleeping-brain-hears/. [Accessed 19 April 2017].

M Plummer-Fernandez. (2014). All Eyes, 2014 M Plummer-Fernandez. [Online Video]. 2 December 2014. Available from: https://vimeo.com/113433112. [Accessed: 19 April 2017].


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